‘Something magnificent is happening in #Hull and the #Humber .. the place is rocking’ – Alan Johnson’s message to himself as a boy. #bizweek
RT The Business Day @businessday2017: Surprise appearance by Alan Johnson, talking about what he wou…
RT The Business Day @businessday2017: Surprise appearance by Alan Johnson, talking about what he would say to his younger self…. @marketinghumber… https://t.co/2FQwLevI8R
Surprise appearance by Alan Johnson at @marketinghumber breakfast launching @BizWeekHumber. #bizweek…
Surprise appearance by Alan Johnson at @marketinghumber breakfast launching @BizWeekHumber. #bizweek https://t.co/IdcC8NLRmR
RT Sean Royce @seanroyce1: Hard to argue with this. So true. Thanks for the inspiration @ZoeJacksonL…
RT Sean Royce @seanroyce1: Hard to argue with this. So true. Thanks for the inspiration @ZoeJacksonLTD @marketinghumber #BizWeek… https://t.co/2btvrb73B9
RT East Riding Council @East_Riding: A really inspirational story from @ZoeJacksonLTD about the impo…
RT East Riding Council @East_Riding: A really inspirational story from @ZoeJacksonLTD about the importance of empowering young people to achieve their d… https://t.co/pg6XtYEg4z
RT Jonathan Oxley @oxleyjc: ‘If you think it, dream it. If you dream it do it’ Learning the potentia…
RT Jonathan Oxley @oxleyjc: ‘If you think it, dream it. If you dream it do it’ Learning the potential of young dreams with @Zoejacksonltd at Hu… https://t.co/PK6hhuwdTC
RT Sean Royce @seanroyce1: Wonderful turnout from the #Hull & Humber business community to continue …
RT Sean Royce @seanroyce1: Wonderful turnout from the #Hull & Humber business community to continue to promote and grow our area #Bizweek… https://t.co/KpIY50nOJB
#bizweek Chair @kathlavery pays tribute to business community: ‘You make it what it is. We just brin…
#bizweek Chair @kathlavery pays tribute to business community: ‘You make it what it is. We just bring it all togeth… https://t.co/sSyQnalfJO
This is the biggest @marketinghumber event ever with 400 registered to attend, @marketinghumber Cha…
This is the biggest @marketinghumber event ever with 400 registered to attend, @marketinghumber Chair @anitapace announces. #bizweek
At @marketinghumber launch of @BizWeekHumber. A must-attend curtain-raiser for a fabulous week for t…
At @marketinghumber launch of @BizWeekHumber. A must-attend curtain-raiser for a fabulous week for the region’s bus… https://t.co/x0a1P6oHG3