RT David Tongeman @DavtonDavid: Great news for Hull and Humber region. https://t.co/J9467hL0XJ
RT Beverley Racecourse @Beverley_Races: A gloriously nostalgic afternoon of racing and entertainment…
RT Beverley Racecourse @Beverley_Races: A gloriously nostalgic afternoon of racing and entertainment awaits you this Saturday at our Very British Raceday!… https://t.co/9T3i5m7Yob
A monster industry with the Humber at its heart > Offshore wind can hit FIVE times current capacity,…
A monster industry with the Humber at its heart > Offshore wind can hit FIVE times current capacity, report reveals. https://t.co/LY76MhesAR
RT Gray Towse @graytowse: @MeehanMedia @GregKnight Seen it and still not sure I believe it John 😮
RT Gray Towse @graytowse: @MeehanMedia @GregKnight Seen it and still not sure I believe it John 😮
RT Julian Wild @wild_julian: That’s made my morning John. Even Diane Abbott wouldn’t have made this …
RT Julian Wild @wild_julian: That’s made my morning John. Even Diane Abbott wouldn’t have made this video (I don’t think)😂 https://t.co/JC17ectmcy
This really does have to be seen to be believed. @GregKnight #campaigncarcrash https://t.co/lmSU6GQf…
This really does have to be seen to be believed. @GregKnight #campaigncarcrash https://t.co/lmSU6GQfdV
Hundreds turn out for inspiring @marketinghumber launch of @BizWeekHumber. https://t.co/EA003rVNLK #…
Hundreds turn out for inspiring @marketinghumber launch of @BizWeekHumber. https://t.co/EA003rVNLK #bizweek #whereitbegins
RT Bondholders @marketinghumber: Huge thank you to @novastudios1 for all their hard work in helping …
RT Bondholders @marketinghumber: Huge thank you to @novastudios1 for all their hard work in helping us produce our #whereitbegins film https://t.co/pvNI97FevB
RT Streets Accountants @StreetsAcc: This Thursday the winners of #MadeinHull will be announced – bo…
RT Streets Accountants @StreetsAcc: This Thursday the winners of #MadeinHull will be announced – book your place here https://t.co/hP1lDRqRqi… https://t.co/ZfakLOtGLW
Images from excellent new @marketinghumber video forming part of a campaign celebrating and promotin…
Images from excellent new @marketinghumber video forming part of a campaign celebrating and promoting young talent.… https://t.co/o3DPeX9bwx