Are you taking the @HullMinster Tower Abseil challenge? Descend 80ft through one of #Hull’s oldest buildings.…
Noah’s Ark to be installed in #Hull’s Trinity Square as medieval mystery play is recreated. https:…
Noah’s Ark to be installed in #Hull‘s Trinity Square as medieval mystery play is recreated. @HullMinster @UniOfHull
RT C40 Cities @c40cities: Tonight, Paris City Hall is turning green to stand for the #ParisAgreement…
RT C40 Cities @c40cities: Tonight, Paris City Hall is turning green to stand for the #ParisAgreement #Cities4Climate
RT Brian Cox @ProfBrianCox: This is the correct response. Trump is temporary, and most likely peak s…
RT Brian Cox @ProfBrianCox: This is the correct response. Trump is temporary, and most likely peak stupid. The US will return to science and re…
RT Ray Thompson @wombat361: So Nicaragua, Syria and the US are the only countries to not be part of …
RT Ray Thompson @wombat361: So Nicaragua, Syria and the US are the only countries to not be part of the Paris Climate Change agreement, there’s an exclusive club.
RT Greenpeace UK @GreenpeaceUK: Trump choosing fossil fuel industry profits over the security, healt…
RT Greenpeace UK @GreenpeaceUK: Trump choosing fossil fuel industry profits over the security, health & prosperity of ppl across globe. Just astonishing. #ParisClimateDeal
RT Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal: The same day Trump wants to pull out of Paris agreement, a massive cr…
RT Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal: The same day Trump wants to pull out of Paris agreement, a massive crack in the Antartica ice shelf is growing. FFS
RT Friends of the Earth @wwwfoecouk: He’s done it. #Trump has pulled out of #ParisAccord endangering…
RT Friends of the Earth @wwwfoecouk: He’s done it. #Trump has pulled out of #ParisAccord endangering millions. But with people everywhere ready to act w…
Some great local companies named as finalists in the Made in #Hull Awards. @…
Some great local companies named as finalists in the Made in #Hull Awards. @StreetsAcc @BizWeekHumber
#Yorkshire is falling behind other region’s because it lacks an elected mayor, warns @The_IoD region…
#Yorkshire is falling behind other region’s because it lacks an elected mayor, warns @The_IoD regional chairman.