RT Hull City of Culture @2017Hull: Just one of the breathtaking moments from @FreedomFestHull this year. Who’s ready for 2017? Just four days to go.… https://t.co/kQzFolzIWE
RT Michael Lee @picbymichaellee: Great day for progress photography from the ground and the air of G…
RT Michael Lee @picbymichaellee: Great day for progress photography from the ground and the air of Green Port Hull @ABPHumber #ABPHumber #siemens https://t.co/WBnqusYFdY
RT Michael Lee @picbymichaellee: Great day for progress photography from the ground and the air of G…
RT Michael Lee @picbymichaellee: Great day for progress photography from the ground and the air of Green Port Hull @ABPHumber #ABPHumber #siemens https://t.co/WBnqusYFdY
The fabulous revamp of Trinity Square is nearly complete. Makes a wonderful setting for the magnific…
The fabulous revamp of Trinity Square is nearly complete. Makes a wonderful setting for the magnificent… https://t.co/Cr0fEYAwxp
RT peter @peter77sol: This is exactly what Hull city centre needs & more existing buildings need fla…
RT peter @peter77sol: This is exactly what Hull city centre needs & more existing buildings need flats above shops. A central area where… https://t.co/N7nCaOcLP4
Impressed by this: @hulldailymail reveals plans to convert Queens Gardens police station into apartm…
Impressed by this: @hulldailymail reveals plans to convert Queens Gardens police station into apartments.… https://t.co/iqpoU5HrX2
#Hull’s City of Culture year could lift local tourism economy to £1bn a year and create 3,500 jobs….
#Hull‘s City of Culture year could lift local tourism economy to £1bn a year and create 3,500 jobs. https://t.co/6SFJfVUexU @2017Hull
RT Lazaat Hotel @LazaatHotel: What an exciting year ahead #Hullcityofculture2017 https://t.co/jfFxDs…
RT Lazaat Hotel @LazaatHotel: What an exciting year ahead #Hullcityofculture2017 https://t.co/jfFxDsbJhb
‘2017 is going to be a #Hull of a year’ – @WillGompertzBBC previews the year ahead in the arts. http…
‘2017 is going to be a #Hull of a year’ – @WillGompertzBBC previews the year ahead in the arts. https://t.co/Ck1P2OJx6F @2017Hull
RT Gray Towse @graytowse: Fully agree, John. Mediterranean feel to #Hull Trinity Square in time for …
RT Gray Towse @graytowse: Fully agree, John. Mediterranean feel to #Hull Trinity Square in time for @2017Hull City of Culture https://t.co/Sc280xV3Pa